v Ethernet only - two path wiring scenarioThis “Ethernet only” wiring scenario is also intended for enterprises who currentlyhave Ethernet wiring and do not want Token Ring wiring introduced into theirenvironment. The two path scenario is included to provide the possibility of asecond, separate and redundant path to the Support Elements.This wiring scenario requires that FC 0087 (a second Ethernet) be specified withthe Support Elements and that the Token Ring feature not be ordered with theHardware Management Console such that no Token Ring exists in either theSupport Elements or in the Hardware Management Console. The Ethernetfeatures assume the use of 10/100 Mbit Ethernet facilities, requiring the use ofCAT-5 Ethernet cabling. Since the Support Element Ethernet only featureincludes two Ethernet adapters, there will be two Ethernet connections available.For this scenario, both the Ethernet cables will be used.The three communication protocols (SNA, TCP/IP and NetBios) used in SupportElement to Hardware Management Console communication are defined for bothadapters in the PCMCIA slots of the Support Elements.It will be necessary to connect the “top” Ethernet adapter cable to a customersupplied local hub capable of 10/100 Mbit Ethernet rates. It will be necessary toconnect the Ethernet from at least one local Hardware Management Console tothe same hub as the Support Elements.It will be necessary to connect the “bottom” Ethernet adapter cable to a customersupplied local hub capable of 10/100 Mbit Ethernet rates. This second adapterwill have to be assigned an address on a separate subnet from the first adapter.Any Hardware Management Consoles attached to either LAN will be able toautomatically discover the Support Elements, assuming that the LAN networkallows NetBios to flow between the devices.PrimaryEthernet LANSecondaryEthernet LANS/390CMOSS/390CMOSCPCSEPrimaryAlternateSEzSeriesFigure 4-5. Ethernet only - two path wiring scenarioLevel 04a, June 21, 20044-8 zSeries 800: Installation Manual for Physical Planning