v Additional connections to the Token Ring LAN may be made to expand theconnectivity beyond the local Hardware Management Console and SupportElements. This would be done as in the “Token Ring only” case on page 4-5Additional connections to the Ethernet LAN may be made to expand theconnectivity beyond the local Hardware Management Console and SupportElements. This would be done as in the “Ethernet only” case on page 4-7If connections to previous generations of IBM Enterprise Server systems aredesired, they may be connected using the Token Ring LAN.If connection to the enterprise LAN is desired, it is recommended that anEthernet bridge or router be installed to isolate the Hardware ManagementConsole and Support Elements from other systems.Ethernet LANEthernet LANS/390CMOSS/390CMOSS/390CMOSEnterpriseLANToken-Ring LANParallel Transaction ServerG1 - G4 ServerCPC CPC CPCCPCCPCS S SSSE E EEEBridge CPC CPCS SE EPrimaryPrimaryAlternateAlternateSESEG5 - G6 Server zSeriesFigure 4-8. Token Ring and Ethernet wiring scenario with additional connections.Level 04a, June 21, 2004Chapter 4. Hardware Management Console and Support Element Communications 4-11