3ULQFLSOHVRI&DORULPHWULF0HDVXUHPHQWIKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJHThe gross calorific value Ho is obtained by dividing the heat energy released byburning a solid or liquid fuel by the weight of the sample. When determining the heatenergy released, water-containing components of the fuel must be present in liquidform after combustion.The net calorific value Hu is the gross calorific value less the condensation energyof water contained in the sample and formed by combustion. The net calorific valueis of great technical importance, because in all major applications, only the net calo-rific value can be exploited as energy.The reproducibility of the results depends to a great degree on the energy input(temperature increase) being similar to the energy input during calibration. In thesame way, the oxygen pressure should be the same for measurement and calibra-tion. Under optimum settings and conditions, the C 7000 calorimeter can achieve ameasurement reproducibility of ± 0.2 percent to DIN 51900. This accuracy is guar-anteed under the following conditions (they apply to both calibration and measure-ment):&ULWHULRQ 9DOXHCalibration substance Benzoic acidSample mass 1 g ± 0.05 gAmbient temperature 25°C ± 1 KTemperature of decomposition vesselbefore determination25 °C ± 1 KOxygen pressure 30 barMeasurement period max. (pre- andmain test)7.2 min.The C 7000 calorimeter is designed for an energy input of up to 30 000 J, and oper-ates reliably in ambient temperatures between 18 °C and 30 °C. For good meas-urement results, temperature variations must be avoided.The achievable reproducibility can be estimated with the aid of the curves below. Itis very dependent on the amount of energy released in the decomposition vessel,and on the duration selected for the pre-test. Apart from those factors, the resultsare affected by qualitative parameters such as the homogeneity and combustibilityof the sample.1HWFDORULILFYDOXH+X*URVVFDORULILFYDOXH+R5HSURGXFLELOLW\Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com