IKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJH2XWSXWRIWHVWGDWDIt is only possible to calculate net calorific values and publish them by printing or onthe LCD-display after all pre-test and post-test parameters have been entered DQGthe measurements carried out. The output contains all the parameters entered, theautomatically recorded data, and the calculated results. The latter are dependent onthe calculation mode selected. In addition, the output contains notes about the test,if appropriate.To print test results, proceed as follows:cMake sure that the printer is connected and switched on.dChange from PHQX to the sub-menu RXWSXW by pressing the function button I, andthen use function button I to select the sub-menu VDPSeEnter selection criteria for the date, sample code and sample status as describedabove, and close your entries by pressing the PHP button. The printer will now startto print.To show test results on the LCD-display, proceed as follows:,I WKHUH LV QR SULQWHU FRQQHFWHG RULI WKH SULQWHU LV QRW VZLWFKHG RQ \RX FDQRQO\VKRZWHVWGDWDRQWKH/&'GLVSOD\LIWKHSDUDPHWHUUHDOWLQWKHVXEPHQX67,QLWRIPHQXLVVHWWRcChange from PHQX to the sub-menu RXWSXW by pressing the function button I, andthen use function button I to select sub-menu /&'.dEnter selection criteria for the date, sample code and sample status as describedabove, and close your entries by pressing the PHP button. The parameters appearin the LCD-display in two lines, in the same order as the printed output. The upperline contains the name and units of the parameter, and its value is shown in thelower line. To see the next parameter, use the arrow buttons or (in this case,both have the same effect). After all parameters have been shown, the display re-turns to the main menu.Parameters can only be displayed in the forwards direction, it is not possible to pagebackwards. The HVF button can be used at any time to break off the procedure.(GLWLQJWHVWSDUDPHWHUVThe subsequent editing (changing) of parameters is only possible if the test resultshave been issued at least once by printing or on the LCD-display. This is to preventvalues being changed unintentionally.Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com