3ULQFLSOHVRI&DORULPHWULF0HDVXUHPHQWIKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJH &RUUHFWLRQVIt is intrinsic to the method that during a combustion test heat is released from ex-ternal sources as well as from the sample.The ratio of heat from external sources to heat from the sample can vary considerably.The heat of combustion of the cotton thread used to ignite the sample, and theelectrical ignition energy would falsify the result. In the calculation, a correctionmust be applied to compensate for them.Substances that are difficult to ignite and those with low flammability are burnt to-gether with a combustion aid. The combustion aid is first weighed and then added tothe sample in the crucible. The quantity of heat resulting from it can be determinedfrom its mass and its known gross calorific value. The test result must be correctedby deducting this quantity of heat.A combustible crucible C 14 can be used in place of a conventional crucible. Thecombustible crucible burns completely to leave no residue. When a combustiblecrucible is used, a cotton thread is not required for ignition. The crucible makes di-rect contact with the fixed ignition wire in the decomposition vessel, which ignites it.The purity of the material used for combustible crucibles prevent chemical contami-nation of the sample.Decomposition vessels in which combustible crucibles are to be used must be fittedwith an additional part (Support C 5010.4, see Accessories). The sample is weighedin the combustible crucible in the usual way. In most cases, an additional combus-tion aid is not required, because the crucible itself fulfils this role.&RQEXVWLRQDLG&RPEXVWLEOHFUXFLEOH&+HDWRIFRPEXVWLRQDQGH[WHUQDOHQHUJ\Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com