IKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJH0HVVDJH &DXVH 5HPHG\WHVWQRW\HWSULQWHG You have attempted to changethe parameters of a test that hasnot yet been printed out.Print test at least once, and thenedit.ORVVRISRZHUVXSSO\ An interruption in the powersupply has been detected.Possibly too many consumers areconnected to a single socket, whichhas caused a brief voltage drop.Connect C 7000 to a separatesocket.37SDUDPHWHUVPLVVLQJ A test can only be carried outafter pre-test parameters havebeen entered.Enter pre-test parameters.Check that you have not entered thewrong sample code.9WLPHGRXW Data could not be sent throughthe V24 interface to the PC.Check interface parameters andconnection cable. Make sure thatexternal PC is ready.VFDOHWLPHGRXW Data could not be sent to thebalance, or the balance does notrespond.Balance reading has not yetstabilised. Check interfaceparameters and connection cable.PHPRU\KDVEHHQUHLQLWLDOL]HGAfter the program was started, amemory error was detected, andthe memory reinitialized. Testdata have been erased.If this problem occurs frequently, thebattery on the MC board must bechanged (by the Technical ServiceDepartment or an instructedspecialist).SUREOHPZLWKFORFNVWRUDJHAfter the program was started, amemory error was detected inthe clock unit.Check date and time, and reset ifnecessary. If this problem occursfrequently, the clock unit must bechanged (by the Technical ServiceDepartment or an instructedspecialist).FORFNEDWWHU\GHDG The clock unit battery is empty. The clock unit must be changed (bythe Technical Service Department oran instructed specialist).Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com