IKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJHas delivered condition are marked "raw", and parameters that refer to the analyti-cally moist condition are indicated by "an".By calling up the sub-menu DIWHUS under PHQX , the various parameters can beentered in order in the same way as the pre-test parameters (see Section 7.3). Thevalues entered must be stored by pressing the PHP button. After they have beenstored, the data can only be changed by using the HGLW menu. However, the post-test parameters can only be changed after the test has been either printed or shownon the LCD-display.The meanings of the parameters and the calculation modes to which they belongare given in the following list:VDPSOHFRGH The sample code is the means of identifying a test. Use of thiscode word gives access to the test data.Applies to all calculation modes.UHPDUN For documentation purposes, a text of up to 10 characters canbe entered.Applies to all calculation modes.TH[WU For entering any desired external energy for calculation ofgross and net calorific values.Applies to all calculation modes.WRWDO+