IKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJH,I VHYHUDO GHFRPSRVLWLRQ YHVVHOV DUH XVHG LQ D PHDVXULQJ FHOO WKH KHDW FDSDFLW\RIWKHV\VWHPPXVWEHGHWHUPLQHGE\FDOLEUDWLRQZLWKHDFKGHFRPSRVLWLRQYHVVHO$GHFRPSRVLWLRQYHVVHOPXVWRQO\EHXVHGLQDPHDVXULQJFHOOLQZKLFKLWKDVEHHQFDOLEUDWHGCalibration must be carried out under conditions similar to those that will be used forsubsequent tests. If combustion tests are to be carried out with absorption liquid(e.g. distilled water or a solution) in the decomposition vessel, then calibrationshould be carried out with the same quantity of the same substance.5HFRPPHQGDWLRQVIRUFDOLEUDWLRQ• At a starting temperature of 25 °C, the C 7000 calorimeter has a maximum tem-perature increase of 25 K. For accurate results, a combustion test should yield atemperature increase of approximately 20 Kelvin. If you do not use benzoic acidfor calibration, the quantity of material should be adjusted to meet this condition.• For calibration, use benzoic acid (accessory C 723) compressed to a pellet.Weigh out approximately 1 g, this corresponds to a temperature increase ofca. 20 K.• Calorific-value determinations must yield approximately the same temperatureincrease as calibration. The optimum sample quantity must be found by makingseveral tests if necessary.• The pre-test time should be at least 120 seconds.• When calibrating to DIN, the C value is specified as the average of at least 5calibration tests. Individual results should only be used in calculating the aver-age if the difference between the highest and lowest values (scatter) is not morethan 0.4% of the average.If the scatter is greater, then the result which is farthest from the average is dis-carded first. A sixth calibration test must now be carried out. The result of thisdetermination must not deviate by more than 0.2% from the average of the fourvalid results. For further details, please see the relevant standard.• In the calorimeter, the C value from the last calibration of a decomposition ves-sel is stored in memory. If several calibration tests are used to determine theC value (e.g. when calibrating to DIN), the calculated average C value for thisdecomposition vessel must be entered manually before carrying out a calorificvalue determination.1RWHVRQWKH&YDOXHBecause a calorimeter can operate in a wide range of ambient temperatures, theC value of a system must be seen as WHPSHUDWXUHGHSHQGHQW. This fact must betaken into account both during calibration and during normal testing. The calibrationvalues printed out use 25 °C as reference temperature. This applies also to manu-ally entered C values. When carrying out combustion tests, the C value must becorrected to the current ambient temperature (temperature of the metal casing at thestart of combustion). This also explains why the C value printed after a test does notagree with the value entered manually by the user.+Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com