3ULQFLSOHVRI&DORULPHWULF0HDVXUHPHQWIKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJH &DOLEUDWLRQFor the most precise results, the calorimeter should be calibrated during commis-sioning, following service work, when parts have been replaced, and at defined in-tervals. The purpose of calibration is to re-determine the thermal capacity of thecalorimeter system (C value).5HJXODUFDOLEUDWLRQLVHVVHQWLDOWRPDLQWDLQPHDVXUHPHQWDFFXUDF\Calibration is carried out by burning a known quantity of a reference substance inthe decomposition vessel under test conditions. Since the calorific value of the ref-erence substance is known, it is possible to use the temperature increase of thedecomposition vessel to calculate its heat capacity.The reference substance used internationally for calorimetry is benzoic acid from theNational Bureau of Standards (NBS Standard Sample 39), which has a guaranteedcalorific value.,IDFDORULPHWHULVXVHGZLWKVHYHUDOGHFRPSRVLWLRQYHVVHOVWKHKHDWFDSDFLW\RIWKHV\VWHPPXVWEHGHWHUPLQHGZLWKHDFKYHVVHOFor more detailed information on calibration, please refer to the relevant standards.++Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com