IKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJHcStarting from PHQX, for a calibration, press the button once to go to PHQX.Then press function key I, to enter the sub-menu FDOLE. For a calorific value deter-mination, press function key I in PHQX to go to sub-menu SUHSDU. In both sub-menus, the enquiry VDPSOHFRGH appears.dThe VDPSOHFRGH identifies a test. Use of this code word will later provide access tothe test data. A specified sample code will appear in the upper left zone of the LCD-display for all further entries. The calorimeter generates a sample code automati-cally when it is switched on, which consists of the date and the number of the cur-rent test (00 to 99). The number increases by 1 for every new test. If you do not wishto use these automatic sample codes, use the alpha-numeric keys to enter your owncode word for the test. Up to 9 consecutive alpha-numeric characters can be en-tered. Confirm by pressing the ↵ button. The enquiry XVHU appears in the LCD-display.eUse the alpha-numeric keys to enter the name or initials of the operator. Here too,up to 9 consecutive alpha-numeric characters can be entered. Confirm by pressingthe ↵ button. The enquiry TH[WU appears in the LCD-display.fTH[WU is the sum of DOO sources of external energy. The preset entry here is50 Joule. This is the calorific value of the cotton thread C 710.4, which you can pur-chase from IKA. Use the key panel to set this value correctly for the current test.When using combustible crucibles or other combustion aids, their weight in gramscan be entered manually using the key panel, or read automatically from a con-nected balance. Manual entry is made using the alpha-numeric keys after selectingthe menu level PDQXDO with function key I. The calorimeter accepts only valuesgreater than zero. For automatic input from the balance, use function key I to callup the menu level EDODQFH. The mass of the sample as determined by the balancewill be read in automatically.It is now necessary to enter the calorific value of the combustion aid. The last valueentered always appears here as a default value. If necessary, erase this value bypressing the GHO button repeatedly. Once these two entries are completed, the calo-rimeter automatically calculates the external energy supplied by the combustion aid.,IDFRWWRQWKUHDGLVXVHGLQDGGLWLRQWRDFRPEXVWLRQDLGWKHH[WHUQDOHQHUJ\VXSSOLHGE\WKHFRWWRQWKUHDGPXVWEHDGGHGPDQXDOO\Confirm by pressing the ↵ button. The enquiry VDPSOH PDVV appears in the LCD-display.+Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com