(YDOXDWLRQRI&DORULILF9DOXH7HVWVIKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJHK\JUPRLVWXUH DQ Percentage of water from hygroscopic moistureCalculation modes: FRDOWFRDOWVXOSKXU DQ Percentage of sulphurCalculation mode: FRDOW 7HVWVLPXODWLRQIn some cases, it is helpful to run through calorific-value tests or to calculate possi-ble test results without actually carrying out a combustion test. Under PHQX PDQXDOPHDVXUH you can enter the temperature increase of a test manually.This is especially useful if a calibration has been accidentally carried out instead of acalorific-value determination or vice versa. By using the measured temperature in-crease, a misinterpreted measurement can be corrected by simulation.To enter a temperature increase for a particular test, proceed as follows:cIn PHQX, enter the pre-test parameters (SUHSDU) for the test.dFrom PHQX, go to the sub-menu PDQXDO, and from there to sub-menu PHDVXUH.You will be asked for the VDPSOHFRGHV.eUse the alpha-numeric keys to enter the code for the test that is to be simulated,and then press the ↵ button. The LCD-display shows the enquiry LQFUHDVHLQWHPSHUDWXUH.fUse the number keys to enter the required temperature increase, and then press the↵ button. The enquiry ERPEQR appears in the LCD-display.gUse the number keys to enter the number of the decomposition vessel, and thenpress the ↵ button. In the second line of the LCD-display, the enquiry PHP VDYHappears briefly. After it has disappeared, pressing the PHP button stores the dataentered. The green LED near the 9EXWWRQ blinks to indicate the end of the simu-lated test. Acknowledge this with the 9EXWWRQ, and exit this program.Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com