IKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJH 0HVVDJHVDQG7URXEOHVKRRWLQJThe C 7000 calorimeter is subjected to stringent quality checks during manufacture,should malfunctions occur despite this care, you will find in this section a selection ofcorrective measures for dealing with a range of fault situations. Most messages andfault indications appear on the LCD-display. They should be acknowledged with the9button. If your attempts to correct a fault are not successful, please contact yourauthorized IKA Technical Service Department. 0HVVDJHVIURPWKH&&DORULPHWHU0HVVDJH &DXVH 5HPHG\SULQWRXWQRWFRPSOHWH\HW It is not possible to display aresult on the LCD if the unit stillhas a print order to process.Check that the printer is online,otherwise wait until the printer hasfinished.FRYHUZDVRSHQHGWHVWDERUWHGThe cover was opened during ameasurement.If the cover was opened during thepre-test period, the same test can berestarted.Opening the cover during the maintest invalidates the measurement.Repeat the measurement.SULQWHUWLPHGRXW No data can be sent to theprinter.Check that the printer is online. Setthe period for a real-time printout(sub-menu UHDOW) to any value otherthan zero.Check the printer cable.HQGRIHQWU\>PHP@ VDYHMakes you aware that allparameters in this menu havebeen entered. To store theentries, you must press the PHPbutton as soon as this messagehas disappeared.FDOLEUDWLRQWHVW You have attempted to enterpost-test parameters after acalibration test. This is notpossible.Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com