(YDOXDWLRQRI&DORULILF9DOXH7HVWVIKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.073DJH([DPSOHselection of all test data for the month of December in the year 2000:• the selection criterion for the date is " 1200". In this way, all the days of themonth, the 12th. month, and the year 2000 will be selected;• the selection criterion for the sample code is "", so that the sample codes of allthe tests stored in the instrument will be selected;• the selection criterion for the sample status is DOO so that, as before, all the testsstored in the instrument will be selected.3ULQWLQJDWDEXODUVXPPDU\RIWHVWVBy taking the following steps, you can print a tabular summary of all tests stored inthe instrument:cMake sure that the printer is connected and switched on.dChange from PHQX to the sub-menu RXWSXW by pressing the function button I, andthen use function button I to select the sub-menu WDEOHeEnter selection criteria for the date, sample code and sample status as describedabove, and close your entries by pressing the PHP button. The printer will now startto print.The print-out has six columns:• VDPSOHFRGH sample code, under which all data for the test are stored• %1R number of the decomposition vessel used for the test• GDWH date on which the test was carried out• P>J@ sample mass in grams• +R>-J@ gross calorific value in Joules per gram• +X>-J@ net calorific value in Joules per gramIf no post-test parameters have been entered (see Section 8.2), the remark 37SDUDPHWHUV PLVVLQJ will be printed instead of the net calorific value; The net calorificvalue can only be calculated with the aid of post-test parameters. If pre-test pa-rameters have been entered but a test not yet carried out, the remark QRPHDVXUHPHQWSHUIRUPHG\HW will be printed.At the end of the summary of tests, the C values of the decomposition vessels willbe printed. If a decomposition vessel has not been calibrated, or if the data wereentered manually, this is indicated.,QIRUPDWLRQDERXWIUHHPHPRU\The calorimeter can store a maximum of 100 tests. Using the following procedure,you can find out at any time how much memory is still available for further tests.cChange from PHQX to the sub-menu RXWSXW by pressing the function button I,andthen use function button I to select the sub-menu IUHH. The message [WHVWV IUHHappears, where [ is the number of tests still free. An acoustic signal sounds at thesame time.dAcknowledge this message by pressing the 9button.Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com