3UHSDUDWLRQDQG&DUU\LQJ2XW0HDVXUHPHQWVIKA-WERKE C 7000 Ver. 07 09.076HLWHgHere the user also has the choice of manual entry or automatic input from a con-nected balance. Manual entries are made directly in this window using the alpha-numeric keys, or automatic input is called up by pressing function key I. The massweighed by the balance is automatically accepted. After entry, confirm by pressingthe ↵ button. If you are preparing for a calibration, the LCD-display asks for the ref-erence calorific value, +VWDQG If you are preparing for a calorific-value determina-tion, the second line of the LCD-display briefly shows the enquiry PHP VDYH.When it has disappeared, pressing the PHP button stores the data entered andcloses the entries for a calorific-value determination.If you want to check the values before you store them, you can select each pa-rameter using the arrow and function buttons and make corrections if necessary.Once the parameters have been stored, it is no longer possible to change them.If you are carrying out a calorific-value determination, omit the next step.hOnly when preparing for a calibration: enquiry for reference calorific value, +VWDQG.A charge-related pre-setting in the order of 26450 J/g will be displayed. This is thecalorific value of the benzoic acid tablets supplied by IKA. If you are going to use adifferent substance for calibration, use the key panel to enter the correct value; theunits must be J/g. Confirm by pressing the ↵ button. The second line of the LCD-display briefly shows the enquiry PHP VDYH. When it has disappeared, pressingthe PHP button stores the data entered and closes the entries for a calibration.The message "Bomb securely closed?" will appear. Ensure that the decompositionvessel is properly closed and confirm with OK.iYou can now place the decomposition vessel in the calorimeter. Use the carryingand venting handle, C 7010.8. Place it on the decomposition vessel and turn it anti-clockwise until the handle engages. Take care not to accidentally press the ventknob, which will cause oxygen to escape. Guide the decomposition vessel into themeasuring cell, until it is standing vertically and centrally in the cell. Remove thecarrying and venting handle by turning it clockwise. Close the cover by drawing thecomplete upper section of the instrument over the measuring cell. The LCD-displaythen shows the text VDPSOHFRGH and the parameters just entered.Activate 6WDUWEach time 1000 ignitions have been performed using a given decomposition vessel,the following message will appear:1000 ignitions performed with Bomb xInspect decomposition vesselor contact IKA serviceThis indicates that the decomposition vessel has reached a maintenance point andthat a safety check must be carried out. Confirm this message by pressing 7$%and 2. in sequence.This message does not release the user from the responsibility of also continuouslychecking the decomposition vessel for wear and carrying out safety inspections asrequired.+Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com