27next lower station with acceptable signalstrength and stop. The Lower DisplayLine E will indicate AUTO TUNED.When an FM Stereo station is tuned, thedisplay will read AUTO ST TUNED.When the tuner is in Manual/Mono mode,you may press and hold this button toscan downward through the frequencies,and the tuner will stop immediatelywhen you release this button, even if noacceptable signal is detected at thatfrequency.See page 64 for more information onusing the tuner.When an optical player source, such asthe internal DVD changer, is in use, pressthis button to search quickly in reversethrough the current track or chapter.Depending on the type of disc used in theinternal DVD changer, each additionalpress will cycle through the availablescan speeds as follows (available scanspeeds may differ for external opticalsource devices):DVD-Audio and DVD-Video discs: 2x, 4x,16x, 100xCD and VCD discs: 2x, 4x, 8xMP3 and WMA discs: 2x, 4x, 8x, 16xSee page 68 for more information onusing the internal DVD changer’s trans-port controls.M Record/Stop/Pause TransportControls: These buttons have no func-tion in the System or Screen modes, butare used with sources such as the inter-nal disc changer or external DVD or CDplayers, tape or digital recorders or VCRs.When the internal disc changer is in use,pressing the Stop button once will placea DVD in resume mode, meaning that youmay press the Play Button e to con-tinue playing the disc from the pointwhere it was stopped. If you press theStop button twice, play will resume fromthe beginning of the disc. Pressing thePause Button w will pause play,allowing you to step frame by frame for-ward through a DVD with each additionalpress of the Pause Button w. Pressthe Play Button e, to resume normalplay, or press the Stop Button w tostop.N Status/Settings Button: This but-ton has different functions, depending onwhich device is in use.Press it to display the CVR700 system’sstatus, or an external DVD recorder’sstatus.When the internal disc changer or tuner,or an external cable television box is inuse, press this button to access the cur-rent settings for the device.For digital VCRs and game consoles, thisbutton performs the Back function. Forsome PVRs/DVRs this button performsthe Instant Replay function.O Title/Freeze Button: This button’sfunction differs, depending on whetherthe internal disc changer (DVD/Mainmode) or the Screen mode is active. Touse this button, be careful to press onlyon the upper portion of the button, asother functions are accessed by pressingon the lower portion of the button.In DVD/Main mode, press this buttonwhile a disc is playing to display the cur-rent title number. Press it again to jumpto the next numbered title on the disc.This function may be available evenwhen the disc’s software prohibits title-jumping using the Forward/ReverseSkip Buttons Jh. Many DVD-Audiodiscs require you to press this button toaccess the disc menu.In Screen mode, you may use this buttonto pause playback of the video picturewhile allowing the audio playback to con-tinue uninterrupted, enabling you to cap-ture an instance or frame of the video.P Random/Letterbox Button: Thisbutton’s function differs, depending onwhether the internal disc changer(DVD/Main mode) or the Screen mode isactive. To use this button, be careful topress only on the upper portion of thebutton, as other functions are accessedby pressing on the lower portion of thebutton.In DVD/Main mode, press this button forplayback in random order. The Randomfunction is not available when playingDVD-Audio or DVD-Video discs unless aplaylist has been programmed, and it isnot available at all for JPEG discs.In Screen mode, when using the internalDVD changer, this button is only active ifthe Auto Resize feature is turned off viathe SCREEN MENU (see page 57). Thisbutton performs the Letterbox function,which enables you to adjust the screen toeliminate black bars that may appear onthe top and bottom or sides of the imagedue to the aspect ratio of the programmaterial differing from the 16:9 aspectratio of the CVPD50. In most cases, theCVR700’s video processor is able to auto-matically detect the aspect ratio settingof the program material and adjust thedisplay automatically to fill the screen.However, in some cases the material maybe a movie displayed in widescreen(2.35:1) format, or the material may notcontain embedded information necessaryfor the CVR700 to make an automaticadjustment. The available letterboxmodes are:16:9 – This setting is used to display 16:9program material in the full-screen 16:9mode on the CVPD50. This setting willalso apply a linear (consistent) stretch toa 4:3 picture.4:3 LTRBOX TO 16:9 – This mode is usedto adjust an image which is designed todisplay a 16:9 movie on a 4:3 screen. Inorder to preserve the full width of themovie on a narrower screen, the imageis reduced in size and black bars appearabove and below it. This setting zoomsin on the image, enabling it to fill theCVPD50’s 16:9 screen without losing anyportion of the image. The image is simplyenlarged so that its two sides fit theedges of the CVPD50 16:9 screen and theblack bars on top and bottom are croppedoff. The image is stretched in a linearfashion (evenly throughout the frame).2.35 LB TO 16:9 NL – This mode is usedto adjust an image from a widescreenfilm which is actually at a wider ratiothan the CVPD50’s 16:9 ratio. In order tofit on the smaller screen, the image iscompressed in a nonlinear fashion, but noportion of the image is lost.2.35 LB TO 16:9 CROPPED – This modeis an alternative adjustment for awidescreen film. The image is not com-pressed or scaled in any way, but theouter edges are cropped, sacrificing aslight amount of the original content inexchange for 100% accurate image pro-portions.4:3 HDTV TO 16:9 – As HDTV is new tothe broadcast industry and there is still aconsiderable amount of older 4:3 stan-dard recording and broadcast equipmentin use, 4:3 material is sometimes broad-cast in HD 16:9 format with black orother color bars on its sides. Since thesebars are a part of the actual picture, con-ventional picture resizing techniques donot work in eliminating them. This settingis specifically designed to address thisproblem. It first crops the bars off thesides of the 16:9 picture to render it a 4:3picture, and then performs a natural-look-ing nonlinear stretch to fill the entire 16:9screen.