85able only through the remote’s menu sys-tem being described in this section.To avoid having the calibration settingscreated with EzSet changed accidentally,the remote allows you to disable the SPLSelect Button 9 on the remote. Tode-activate the button, follow thesesteps:1. Press and hold the Remote MenuButton b for about 3 secondswhile the message shown in Figure54 appears in the remote’s LCDInformation Display 2. Releasethe button when the red light underthe Set Button s appears.2. The remote’s MAIN MENU message(Figure 55), will appear in the LCD dis-play and the Set Button s willremain illuminated in red. Press the⁄ /¤ Navigation Button q untilSET SPKR LEVELS appears on thebottom line of the LCD screen, asshown in Figure 104. Press the SetButton s to enter the main EzSetmenu branch.Figure 1043. At the next menu screen (Figure 105)press the ⁄ /¤ Navigation Buttonsq once so that EZ SET DISABLEappears in the lower line of the LCDdisplay.Figure 1054. Within 5 seconds, press the SetButton s to disable the SPLSelect Button 9. Once the SetButton s is pressed, the wordEXITING will flash four times inthe lower line of the LCD displayand then it will return to normaloperation.Once these steps are completed, whenthe SPL Select Button 9 is pressed,the remote will show EZ SET DISABLEand it will not be activated.To restore the EzSet feature to normaloperation, repeat the procedure outlinedabove, except that in Step 3 you shouldpress the ⁄ /¤ Navigation Button qso that EZ SET ENABLE appears in thelower line of the LCD display. When thatdisplay appears, press the Set Buttons and the EzSet feature will be reacti-vated. You may then press the RemoteMenu Button b to exit the remote’smenu system and return to normal opera-tion or press the Set Button s againto immediately use the EzSet featureto calibrate the system as shownon page 51.RenamingWhile the names given to the buttonsand inputs on the remote represent rec-ognizable categories of audio/video prod-ucts, system operation may be easier ifthe displays shown in the remote’s LCDscreen are customized to reflect the spe-cific characteristics of a playback source’sbrand name or the new function given toa specific button when one remote’s con-trols are programmed into the remote.The CVR700R2 remote allows you tochange the name of either a masterdevice or any button on the remoteusing the following steps.Renaming a DeviceTo rename a specific device/input sourcebutton, follow these steps. For this exam-ple, we will show you how to rename theDevice/Input Selector normally shown as“TV” to “HDTV TUNER.”1. Press and hold the Remote MenuButton b for about 3 secondswhile the message shown in Figure54 appears in the remote’s LCDInformation Display 2. Releasethe button when the red light underthe Set Button s appears.2. The remote’s MAIN MENU message(Figure 55), will appear in the LCD dis-play and the Set Button s willremain illuminated in red. Press the⁄ /¤ Navigation Button q untilRENAME appears on the bottomline of the LCD screen, as shown inFigure 106.Figure 1063. Press the Set Button s andRENAME DEVICE will appear onthe bottom line of the LCD screen, asshown in Figure 107. Press the SetButton q to begin renaming adevice.Figure 1074. The next display screen (Figure 108)is where you select the device thatwill be renamed. In our example, thatis the TV button. Press the ⁄ /¤Navigation Button q until thename of the base device appears andthen press the Set Button s.Figure 1085. At the next menu screen, you will seethe device name on the bottom line ofthe display with a blinking cursor boxto the right of the device name. Pressthe ‹ Navigation Button q toreturn the blinking cursor to the farleft side of the display line. You maythen retitle the device name asshown in the next step.6. To enter the new name, press theAlpha Numeric Keys l. The let-ters above the numbered buttonsindicate which letter or symbol willappear when the button is pressedduring the renaming process. The firstpress of the button will enter the firstletter shown, subsequent presses ofthe same button will change the dis-play to the other letters above thatnumbered key. For example, since thefirst letter we need to rename theinput to HDTV Tuner is an “H,” youwould locate the “H” above the “4”button, and press the button twice.The first press shows a “G,” thesecond press changes it to an “H.”Consult the table at the end of thissection to see which characterspressing a particular buttongenerates.7. After you enter the first letter of thenew device name, there are threeoptions for entering the nextcharacter:a. To enter a letter that requires a dif-ferent numeric key to be pressed,simply press that button. The cur-sor will automatically move to thenext position and the first letteraccessed by the new button willappear. Following our example, thenext letter needed is a “D,” so youwould press the “3” button once.b. To enter a letter that uses thesame numeric key, you must firstpress the › Navigation Buttonq to move the blinking cursorblock to the next position. Thenpress the Numeric Key l asrequired to enter the desired letter.c. To enter a blank space, press the ›Navigation Button q twice.The first press will move the cursorto the right, and the second pressR E N A M E D E V I C ET VR E N A M ER E N A M E D E V I C EM A I N M E N UR E N A M ES E T S P K R L E V E L SE Z S E T D I S A B L EM A I N M E N US E T S P K R L E V E L S