42Basic InstallationThe JBL Cinema Vision system offers a vari-ety of entertainment options, including play-back of DVDs and CDs, and radio listening,and it may be enjoyed with no additionalequipment. However, it is also compatiblewith most available audio/video devices.IMPORTANT NOTE: For your personalsafety and to avoid possible damage toyour equipment and speakers, it isalways a good practice to turn off andunplug the CVR700, CVPD50 and ALLsource equipment from AC power beforemaking any audio or video system con-nections.Step One: Connect the Front, Center,Surround and Surround Back SpeakerOutputs ¡™£¢ to the respectivespeakers.To ensure that all the audio signals arecarried to your speakers without loss ofclarity or resolution, we suggest that youuse high-quality speaker cable. Manybrands of cable are available and thechoice of cable may be influenced by thedistance between your speakers and thereceiver, the type of speakers you use, per-sonal preferences and other factors. Yourdealer or installer is a valuable resourceto consult in selecting the proper cable.Regardless of the brand of cable selected,we recommend that you use a cable con-structed of multistrand copper with agauge of 14 or smaller. Remember that inspecifying cable, the lower the number,the thicker the cable. Cable with a gaugeof 16 may be used for short runs of lessthan 3 meters (10 feet). We do not recom-mend that you use cables with an AWGequivalent of 18 or higher, due to thepower loss and degradation in perform-ance that will occur. Cables that are runinside walls should have the appropriatemarkings to indicate listing with UL, CSAor other appropriate testing agency stan-dards. Questions about running cablesinside walls should be referred to yourinstaller or a licensed electrician who isfamiliar with the NEC and/or the applica-ble local building codes in your area.When connecting wires to the speakers,be certain to observe proper polarity.Note that the positive (+) terminal of eachspeaker connection now carries a specificcolor code, as noted on page 20. How-ever, most speakers still use a redterminal for the positive (+) connection.Connect the “negative” or “black” wire tothe same terminal on both the receiverand the speaker.NOTE: While most speaker manufactur-ers adhere to an industry convention ofusing black terminals for negative andred ones for positive, some may vary fromthis configuration. To ensure properphase and optimal performance, consultthe identification plate on your speakeror the speaker’s manual to verify polarity.If you do not know the polarity of yourspeaker, ask your dealer for advice beforeproceeding, or consult the manufacturer.We also recommend that the length ofcable used to connect speaker pairs beidentical. For example, use the samelength piece of cable to connect thefront-left and front-right or surround-leftand surround-right speakers, even if thespeakers are a different distance fromthe CVR700.It is appropriate to configure the CVR700for either 5.1- or 7.1-channel operation,but not for 6.1 channels. When 6.1-chan-nel program material or a 6.1-channelprocessing mode is in use, material forthe surround back channel will be out-putted simultaneously through boththe Back Surround Left and RightSpeaker Outputs ¡. Connecting onlyone loudspeaker to these speaker termi-nals will not only deprive you of the ben-efits of 7.1-channel surround modes, suchas Logic 7, but will also interfere with thefunctioning of EzSet speaker calibration,as described on page 51. It may also putundesirable strain on the surround backamplifier circuits and power supplies.Connections to a subwoofer are normallymade via a line-level audio connectionfrom the Subwoofer Output § to theline-level input of a subwoofer with abuilt-in amplifier.Speaker PlacementFront SpeakersCenter Channel SpeakerSubwooferSurround Speakers†Alternate placement for surround speak-ers when only 5.1 channels are used;required placement for back surroundspeakers in 7.1-channel systems.The front speakers should be placed thesame distance from each other as they arefrom the listening position. They should beplaced at about the same height from thefloor as the listeners’ ears will be, or theymay be angled toward the listeners.The center channel speaker should beplaced slightly behind the front left andright speakers, and no more than 2 feetabove or below the tweeters of the leftand right speakers. It may be convenientto place the center speaker in the cradleof the CVPD50 credenza stand, as shownin the drawing.The JBL Cinema Vision system may beused in 5.1- or 7.1-channel applications. In5.1-channel applications, two of the surroundspeakers should be placed slightly behindthe listening position and, ideally, shouldface each other and be at a level higherthan the listeners’ ears. If that is not possible,they may be placed on a wall behind thelistening position, facing forward.NOTE: In 5.1-channel systems, thetwo rear speakers are called simply thesurround speakers, whether they areplaced to the sides of or behind thelistening position. In 7.1-channel systems,there are four surround speakers, two ofwhich are referred to as side surroundspeakers, due to their placement to the5 — 6 ft1.5 — 1.8m† †† †