9Power Connection and OperatorControlThe CVPD50 plasma display and theCVR700 are completely disconnectedfrom electrical power only when thepower cables are removed from bothunits and/or the wall outlets, and theJBL Digital Link™ cable connecting theCVR700 to CVPD50 is unplugged. Onlyconnect the CVPD50 plasma display andthe CVR700 to a plug receptacle that hasbeen installed in compliance with localregulations regarding proper grounding,and which provides 120V. Make sure thatthe power plug and outlet are accessibleat all times.Use only the power cord supplied withthe CVPD50 plasma display. Neverremove the plug from the outlet bypulling on the cable. Do not run thepower cord near heat-producing objects.If you will be away for an extended periodof time, it is a good idea to unplug theunits and any antennae. It is also a goodidea to do the same before any thunder-storms. This is a precautionary measureto prevent the possibility of personalinjury or death due to fire or electricshock resulting from a lightning strike,and to prevent damage to the unit.Always power off all units and unplugthem before connecting them to eachother.Failure to follow this instruction mayresult in personal injury due to elec-trical shock or fire, and/or irrepara-ble damage to the unit that is notcovered under warranty.The CVPD50 plasma display is equippedwith an attached glass filter plate. If theunit is exposed to excessive stress, e.g.due to shock, vibration, bending or heat,the glass surface can break. Do not sub-ject the glass surface to any pressure orknocks. If the glass is cracked, unplug thepower cord immediately. Do not touch thefragments with your bare hands. Failureto follow these instructions mayresult in personal injury due tosharp-edged glass fragments.Always make sure that two people liftthe CVPD50 plasma display together.Never attempt to lift the unit by yourself.Failure to follow this instruction mayresult in personal injury or irrepara-ble damage to the unit that is notcovered under warranty.