29In Screen mode, or when used with avideo source device that is used for ob-taining television broadcasts, such as acable box, satellite receiver, TiVo, PVR,DVR or VCR, this button allows you toselect between the television signal orone of the device’s video inputs. See thedevice’s owner’s manual for more infor-mation on the use of this function.W Light Button: Press this button toactivate the remote’s backlight for easeof use in darkened rooms. The light willremain active for 7 seconds after this but-ton has been pressed, and will remain litfor an additional 7 seconds after anyother button on the remote has beenpressed.X Macro/A/B/C Buttons: Press thesebuttons to store or recall a “Macro”, asequence of commands that you may pro-gram into the remote. See page 80 formore information on programming andusing macros. These buttons have uniquefunctions when used with game con-soles, cable TV boxes and PVRs. See theowner’s manual for the appropriatedevice for further information.Y Sleep/PIP Move Button: This but-ton has different functions depending onwhich device is in use when it is pressed.In the System mode, the Sleep functionis activated to automatically place theCVR700 and CVPD50 in Standby modeafter a period of time. Each press of thebutton changes the time until turn-off: 90minutes, 80 minutes, 70 minutes, 60 min-utes, 50 minutes, 40 minutes, 30 minutes,20 minutes, 10 minutes, Sleep mode Off,and then cycling back to 90 minutes, andso forth. When the Sleep timer is in use,the front-panel displays will dim to halfbrightness.In the Screen mode, this button placesthe CVPD50 display in Standby mode,without affecting use of the CVR700. Thisfunction may be preferred for audio-onlylistening sessions to prevent burning theplasma display.When a composite video output from aPIP-capable device, such as a cable box,has been connected to the Picture-in-Picture Composite Video Input a,pressing this button enables you to movethe PIP inset display around the CVPD50screen, using the ⁄/¤/‹/ ›Navigation Disc q.Z Night Mode/PIP Channel DownButton: This button’s function differsdepending on the device in use whenit is pressed.When pressed in the System mode, thisbutton activates the Night mode, preserv-ing dialogue (center-channel) intelligibilityat low volume levels when available inspecially encoded Dolby Digital sources.When used with a compatible devicewhose video output has been connectedto the Picture-in-Picture CompositeVideo Input a, it changes the channelof the PIP device to the next lower one. Ithas no effect on the CVR700 or CVPD50.a Disc Direct/PVR Live Button: Thisbutton’s function differs depending onwhich device is in use when it is pressed.In DVD/Main mode, press it, and thenpress the numeric key corresponding tothe position number of the disc you wishto play to immediately begin playback ofthat disc.When a PVR is in use, this button switchesto play of the signal currently beingreceived by the PVR. See the PVR’sowner’s manual for more information.b Remote Menu/PIP Channel UpButton: This button’s function differsdepending on whether it is pressed whena picture-in-picture source is in use.In System mode, this button accessesthe menu system for the remote control,enabling you to program product codes,use the EzSet speaker calibration system,record macros, rename functions, andperform other functions, as describedon pages 76 through 91.When used with a compatible devicewhose video output has been connectedto the Picture-in-Picture CompositeVideo Input a, pressing this buttonchanges the channel of the PIP device tothe next higher one. It has no effect onthe CVR700 or CVPD50.c DVD Setup/PIP On-Off/PIP SwapButton: This button’s function differsdepending on whether it is used with theinternal DVD changer, or with a sourcewhose video output has been connectedto the Picture-in-Picture CompositeVideo Input a.When used with the DVD changer, thisbutton accesses the DVD setup menuand enables you to configure the DVDchanger.When used in Screen mode with a PIPsource connected, press this button onceto turn on the PIP function, and again toturn it off. Pressing and holding this but-ton for several seconds causes the mainsource to appear in the PIP inset display,and the PIP source to appear in the maindisplay. Pressing and holding the buttonagain returns the PIP source to the inset,and the main source to the main display.d JBL On Screen Library™/ FavoriteButton: This button performs differentfunctions depending on whether it isused with the internal DVD changer oranother source.In DVD/Main mode, this button accessesthe JBL On Screen Library, which displayson screen a thumbnail image and descrip-tion of each disc currently loaded in theCVR700’s internal changer, including disctype and title if available. Use the⁄/¤/‹/› Navigation Controls Gand the Set Button I to convenientlyselect and play any loaded disc.When used with cable television boxes orsatellite receivers, pressing this buttonscrolls through your list of prepro-grammed favorite channels.e Play Transport Control Button:This button is used with the internal DVDchanger or an external DVD player, VCR,tape deck, digital recorder, CD player orany other device with a transport mecha-nism to begin playback.f Tuning Up/Forward SearchButton: This button has different func-tions depending on whether the tuner oranother source is in use.Press this button when the tuner is in useto change the station to one with a higherfrequency. Each tap of this button willincrease the frequency by one increment.When the tuner receives a strong enoughsignal for adequate reception, MANUALTUNED will appear in the LowerDisplay Line E. When the tuner is inthe Auto/Stereo mode, press and holdthe button to cause the tuner to scan forthe next higher station with acceptablesignal strength and stop. The LowerDisplay Line E will indicate AUTOTUNED. When an FM Stereo station istuned, the display will read AUTO STTUNED. When the tuner is in Manual/Mono mode, you may press and hold thisbutton to scan upward through the fre-quencies, and the tuner will stop immedi-ately when you release this button, evenif no acceptable signal is detected at thatfrequency. See page 64 for more informa-tion on using the tuner.