87next letter needed is a “U,” so youwould press the “8” button twice.b. To enter a letter that uses thesame numeric key, you must firstpress the › Navigation Buttonq to move the blinking cursorblock to the next position. Thenpress the Alphanumeric Key las required to enter the desiredletter. This is the way you wouldenter the second “L” in the word“FULL”.c. To enter a blank space, press the ›Navigation Button q twice.The first press will move the cursorto the right, and the second presswill move the cursor one morespace to the right, leaving a blankspace between the last letter andthe next one.9. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 as needed tocomplete entering the needed letters,numbers, characters and spaces.10. When the text entry is complete,press the Set Button s. The newname will be entered into theremote’s memory, replacing thedefault name.11. At this point, you have two options:a. The screen shown in Figure 113will appear, prompting you to con-tinue renaming. Press the SetButton s to select CONTINUE.Figure 113The remote will return to the PRESSA BUTTON menu option (Fig. 111)as shown in Step 6. Repeat the in-structions in Steps 6 though 11 torename the next button.b. If you have no additional buttons torename, press the ⁄ NavigationButton o until the menu screendisplays EXIT on the bottom lineof the display. Press the SetButton s to return the remoteto normal operation.NOTES ON RENAMING KEYS:• Renaming a button does not change itsfunction. You may change the functionof an individual button by “learning” anew code into the remote. See page 78for more information.• When a button is renamed, it will onlyapply to the specific device selected inStep 4. The same button may be renamedas needed for each individual devicewith which it is used. There is a limitof nine characters (including spaces)for any new device or button name.Resetting the RemoteDepending on the way in which theremote has been programmed, there maybe a situation where you wish to totallyerase all changes that have been madeto the remote and return it to the factorydefaults. You may do that by followingthe steps shown below, but rememberthat once the remote is reset, ALLchanges that have been made, includingprogramming for use with other devices,learned buttons, macros, punch-throughsettings and button names, will beerased and any settings you had previ-ously made will have to be reentered.To erase all settings and reset the remoteto the original factory default settingsand displays, follow these steps:1. Press and hold the Remote MenuButton b for about three secondswhile the message shown in Figure54 appears in the remote’s LCDInformation Display 2. Releasethe button when the red light underthe Set Button s appears.2. The remote’s MAIN MENU message(Figure 55), will appear in the LCD dis-play and the Set Button s willremain illuminated in red. Press the⁄ /¤ Navigation Button q untilUSER RESET appears on the bot-tom line of the LCD screen, as shownin Figure 114.Figure 1143. Press the Set Button s to resetthe remote. Note that once the Setbutton is pressed, the process maynot be stopped. A RESETTING...message will appear in the upper lineof the remote’s LCD screen, as shownin Figure 115, while the remote’smemory is being cleared. It may takea few minutes for the reset processto take place, and the length of timewill vary depending on how muchcustomization and programming hastaken place. Please be patient; aslong as the message appears in thedisplay the remote is functioningproperly.Figure 1154. When the remote has been totallyreset and returned to the factorydefault condition, a REMOTE RESETCOMPLETE message will appear(Figure 116) briefly, and then theremote will return to normaloperation.Figure 116If the remote locks up for some reasonand you wish to reset it without losingany programming or removing and replac-ing the batteries, you may perform a softreset by removing the cover from the bat-tery compartment and gently pressing thesmall black rectangular button labeled“RESET”. This should return the remote tonormal operation.Additional Notes on Configuring andOperating the Remote• In normal operation, the last selecteddevice will appear in the upper line ofthe LCD Information Display 2.After one minute with no activity, theremote will go into standby mode andthe display will go blank to conservepower. Simply press any button toreturn the remote to normal operation.• When the remote is being programmed,it will automatically time-out if no buttonis pressed within a 30-second period.The message shown in Fig. 117 willappear briefly, and the remote will thenexit the feature being programmed andany data entered will be lost.Figure 117• The programming or configurationprocess may also be stopped at anytime by pressing the Remote MenuButton b. The message shownin Figure 117 will appear, the dataentered in the current process will belost and the remote will return to nor-mal operation. Any process that wasunderway when the button will bepressed must be restarted.• In most situations, you may press theExit/Cancel Button H to simplyexit the current function and return tothe previous menu screen. The Cancelfunction is not always available, inwhich case you may need to exitthe remote's menu system altogetherby pressing the Remote MenuButton B.T I M E O U T O RR E M K E Y P R E S S E DR E M O T E R E S E TC O M P L E T ER E S E T T I N G . . .M A I N M E N UU S E R R E S E TR E N A M E B U T T O NC O N T I N U E