PacketThis transceiver is equipped with a connector on theRear Panel designed specifically for Packet operation.Packet is a data communications mode used toexchange digital information that is typically createdusing a personal computer. In other words, Packetprovides a method to link computers together via radio.PageA function that allows one station to signal another bysending a transmission encoded with a Page code thatonly opens the squelch of a receiver with the same codeselected. The calling station’s code appears on thetarget station's display after a successful Page.Page code memoryA memory channel dedicated to storing only Page codes.See “Page”.Page Transmit DelayThe delay intentionally introduced at the transmitter todelay transmission of Page codes after [PTT] is pressed.The delay can improve the reliability of Page whencommunicating with a receiver with slow response time.112Programmable Band ScanAfunctionthatmonitorssequentiallyallfrequencieswithintheprogrammablelimitssetbythe userinasingleband.See“Scan”.PTT (Push-to-talk)Referstothenon-latchingswitchon themicrophonethatchangesthetransceiver fromReceivetoTransmitmode.QsoRefersto acontactbetweentwoAmateurstations.RepeaterAstation,usuallyinstalledinacentral locationatahighelevation,designedtoreceive andre-transmitsignals.The purposeof arepeateristoincreasethereceiveandtransmitrangeof stations abletoaccesstherepeater.Reset (initialization)Theact ofrestarting the transceivermicrocomputer.Dependingon thetypeof resetdone,someorallmemory maybe erased andset todefault values.Areset can be doneasalastresortwhenthe transceiverappearstobe malfunctioning.