Note:>66If using Sub 2 while Tone is ON, the Tone/CTCSS frequency mustbe selected by turning the Tuning control or pressingmicrophone [UP]/[DWN]. You cannot select a new Tone/CTCSSfrequency by using [F], [TONE/CTCSS].To change the operating frequency while using Sub 2, first press[VFO], or switch OFF the Tone/CTCSS and DTSS/Page functionsbefore attempting to change the frequency.If Sub 1 or Sub 2 is selected after both Tone/CTCSS andPage/DTSS are ON, the Page/DTSS code is given priority. In thiscase, press [TONE/CTCSS] to switch Tone OFF and then ONagain before attempting to change the Tone/CTCSS frequency.When using Sub 2 with Page ON, you can change the PageMemory after pressing [F], [DTSS]. When the small “P" beginsblinking, use the Tuning control or microphone [UP]/[DWN] tochange the Page memory. To lock-out the selected Pagememory, press [MR] or microphone [MR]. Pressing any keyother than Front Panel [MR] or microphone [UP]/[DWN]/[MR], orsimply waiting for 10 seconds, finalizes the new Page memoryselection.DISPLAY DEMONSTRATION MODEInitiatingtheDisplayDemonstrationmodecausesthefollowingsequencetostart:eThenormalDisplayappearswithmaximumilluminationafterpowerisswitchedON.eTen secondsafterpower ON,allDisplaysegmentslight,thenthesegmentsrandomlydisappearsegmentbysegmentuntiltheDisplayisblank.eAseriesof3differentmessagesappearwitheachmessageblinking on theDisplayforabout10seconds.This cycle repeatsuntiltheDisplayDemonstrationmodeisdeactivated.Thetransceiver canbe usedinthedemonstration mode,ifdesired.Using any buttonsorcontrols restoresthenormalDisplay immediately.Ifthereisno buttonorkeyentry,orTuningcontroladjustment,formorethan 10seconds,thetransceiverrevertsbacktotheDisplayDemonstration mode.Note:Toexitfromthismoderequireseithera PartialResetorFullReset {page46}.SwitchingOFFthetransceiverpower doesnotcancelthemode.Also,thismodecannot be usedwithChannelDisplay{page45}.Press [DTSS]+ POWER ON to activate DisplayDemonstration mode.