MEMORY SCANMemory Scan allows all memory channels containingdata to be scanned regardless from which band thefrequencies were stored.1 Press [MR] (1 s).e Scan starts with the channel last recalled, thenscans through the memory channels in the samedirection last used for scanning.e The default direction is downward through thechannels.2 To reverse the scan direction, turn the Tuning controlor press microphone [UP])/[DWN].e Upward scan: Turn Tuning clockwise, orPress microphone [UP].e Downward scan: Turn Tuning counterclockwise, orPress microphone [DWN].3 To cancel Memory Scan, press any key excluding themicrophone keypad keys.Note: Atleast 2 or more memory channels must contain data forscan to function. Also, the squelch must be closed for Scan tofunction {page 28}.58mg Locking-Out Memory ChannelsMemory channels that you prefer not to monitor whilescanning can be locked-out. Lock-out.any memorychannel with the following procedure:1 Press [MR] to select Memory Recall.2 Select the memory channel to be locked-out usingthe Tuning control or microphone [UP]/[DWN].3 Press [LOW] (1 s) to lock-out the selectedchannel.e A'“star" icon appears above the memorychannel number to indicate the channel has beenlocked-out.e By default, all memory channels are not lockedout.Lock-out for an individual channel can be canceled byrepeating the above procedure.Ss