SELECTING OFFSET DIRECTIONThis function sets the transmit frequency either higher(+) or lower (—) than the receive frequency by a fixedamount. Refer to "SELECTING OFFSET VALUESMANUALLY“ {page 50} to change the offset amount.Press [SHIFT].e The default is "simplex" (no offset).e Each press of [SHIFT] changes the offset as follows:: i + -iTMSsiwe, © reg > *:TM-451A *If the offset transmit frequency falls outside the transmitband, transmit is inhibited until the transmit frequency isbrought within the band limits by one or more of thefollowing methods:e Move the receive frequency further inside the band.e Reduce the offset amount (“SELECTING OFFSETSMANUALLY" {page 50}).e Reverse the offset direction.AUTOMATIC TRANSMIT OFFSETThe transceiver takes care of setting the requiredtransmit offset automatically when you select a frequencyin VFO mode. This function is always active unless theReverse function is ON {page 51}.Due to Automatic Offset, a manually assigned offsetdirection is only effective until the frequency is U.S.A. and Canada VersionsAutomatic Offset for the TM-251A sold in thesemarkets is programmed according to the standardARRL (American Radio Relay League) Band Plan forrepeater offset direction. You can override thisprogramming by following the “SELECTING OFFSETDIRECTION" procedure in the preceding section.Contact your national Amateur Radio association toobtain up-to-date band plans that explain band usageby mode and activity.145.5 146.4 147.0 147.6145.1 146.0 146.6 147.4 148.0 MHzHeogoeoosS: Simplex49