STORING DTSS CODESYou can store a DTSS code from 000 to 999 by usingthe Tuning control or the microphone. Be aware thataudible DTMF tones from other transceivers near youmay be picked up by your MC-45DM/DME or TH-7microphone element. If so, this could prevent thefollowing function from working correctly.1 Press [VFO] to select VFO mode.2 Press [DTSS] to turn ON DTSS.e “DTSS" appears.3 Press [F], [DTSS] to activate Code Select.e "C" and "DTSS" start blinking.4 Select a 3-digit number for the DTSS code by turningthe Tuning control or by pressing microphone[UP]/[DWN].76e Alternatively, if your microphone is equipped with aDTMF keypad, the DTSS code also can be enteredby using the keypad numeric keys. Press the 3numeric keys in sequence for the code you wantand ignore Step 5.5 Press [DTSS].e The VFO mode is restored.Note: /f you press keys other than the microphone DTMF numerickeys,orifyoudonotmaketheentryinStep4within10seconds,theVFOmodeisrestored.Digitsalready enteredwillbestored.DTSS AND REPEATERSPressing[PTT]transmitstheDTSSsignalafter ashortdelay. This delay helps avoidlosingDTSSdatawhenusing repeaterswithlongresponsetimesthatmaymissreceivingaportionoftheDTSScode.The delay time is 350 ms during simplex operation.Whenusingatransmitoffsetorasplitfrequency, youcanchange350 ms(default)to550ms.1 Press [REV]+ POWER ON to enter Menu B.