PCL 5e Features 9FEATURESPCL 5E FEATURESThese are general descriptions of settings available in thePCL 5e printer drivers. The interface of the printer driverdepends on the operating system you use. Not all settings areavailable for all drivers, or they may appear on different tabsin the printer driver. All printer drivers have Online Helpavailable at the click of a button, with more informationabout specific settings. Chapter 4, “Printer Drivers,” showsthe PCL 5e printer drivers and explains how to use them.ResolutionPrint resolution is measured by the number of dots per inch(dpi) in an image. The higher the number is, the finer theresolution. Resolution can be set to 600 (the default), 300, 150,and 75 dpi. Lower resolutions require less memory andprocessing time.DitheringSelect a dithering pattern for converting images from oneformat to another, for example, for printing color documentsin black and white. Dithering, along with the intensity andresolution settings, effect the overall appearance of graphicsin printed documents.Halftone Color AdjustmentIn the Windows NT driver this is an advanced feature forcontrolling how color appears in a document and isconverted to monochrome when printed.IntensityAdjust this setting to control the darkness of graphics in theprinted document.Reserved printer memorySpecify how much memory to reserve for special printerfunctions, such as macros, front panel settings, etc. Thereserved memory is not used for printing.Printer memory trackingBefore printing a document, the printer driver calculates howmuch memory is required to print. If the document requiresmore memory than is available in the printer, the documentis rejected. Use this setting to define how this calculation ismade. A conservative calculation ensures that printermemory is never over-committed. A more aggressivecalculation allows the printer to attempt printing a complexdocument, but memory may be over-exceeded and the printjob may not be completed.Printer MemoryThis feature appears on the driver, but does not apply to theSuperScript 4400 printer and does not need to be adjusted.CartridgesThis feature appears on the driver, but does not apply to theSuperScript 4400 printer and does not need to be adjusted.