59CHAPTER 6WEB PRINTING SETUPOVERVIEWThe NEC PrintAgent is innovative software that allows youto print over the web in two ways, Remote Printing and PullPrinting. The NEC PrintAgent is powered by Redips® Coresoftware, and available just by browsing to your PrinterHome Page.NEC PrintAgent Remote PrintingRemote Printing is the easiest way for Windows 95/98 usersto print over the web and get instant printer status at yourdesktop. You can print to any SuperScript 4400N printeranywhere, as long as you have its URL.All you do is browse to the printer’s Home Page anddownload/install the NEC PrintAgent software to yoursystem. When you print with that special driver, the job goesover the web to the printer, and printer status comes back toyour desktop on the PrintAgent window. The first part of thischapter covers the following topics about Remote Printing.• System Requirements• Easy Remote Printing Setup• Remote Printing From Your Desktop• Getting Printer Status• PrintAgent FeaturesNEC PrintAgent Pull PrintingPull Printing is an ideal solution for busy offices that printlong, complex, or color rich documents. With Pull Printing,your job is sent to a Pull Printing server to be processed. Thenthe Pull Printing server delivers the job to the printer. Thisfrees your computer faster, and reduces network traffic. Youcan also set up a secondary server to deliver printer Help filesand drivers to users, making the printer more efficient.Pull Printing is also called “driverless” printing because youdon’t need a SuperScript 4400 printer driver on your system.You can pull print any Microsoft Office 97, .PDF file, or webpage without opening it— just by sending its location to thePull Printing server. The server does all the work and leavesyour computer free for other tasks. The second part of thischapter covers the following topics about Pull Printing.• System Requirements• Server Installation• Configuring URLs• Changing PWS settings• Starting the Pull Printing Server• Pull Printing from Your DesktopThe URL is the IP address or host namefor example, Home Page Featuresyou assign to the Printer,