52 SuperScript 4400 Series — User’s GuideThe Message DisplayThe Operator Panel status display is an LCD panel thatshows status messages, alert messages, media types, andmenu selections. When the printer is performing a job, thedisplay indicates a printer status message, such asPROCESSING, PRINTING, etc. The standard display is READY,meaning the printer is ready for use. The table below listsStatus messages with their explanation. Alert messages areexplained on page 104. Service messages require that you callan authorized service representative. See page 115 forinformation about service and technical support.Status Message ExplanationINITIALIZING Indicates that the printer is initializing.RESETTING Indicates that the printer settings are being restored to their factory defaults.WARMING UP Printer is not yet ready to operate. It is performing an initial power up check or the fuserunit is warming up to operating temperature.READY Printer is online and ready to print under Auto Emulation Switching mode.PRINTING Printer is printing a page.PROCESSING Printer is processing a job.WAITING Printer is waiting for additional input to complete the print job.POWER SAVEMODEPrinter is in Power Saving mode. When the printer receives data or you press any button,the display restores ordinary printer messages.MEDIA TYPE Shows the current paper type <PAPER OR THICK STOCK> when user presses Media button.SELECTED Appears when a setting is selected.TEST PRINT Printer is printing a test page.FIRST JOB Start page is printing (if enabled).RESETTING JOB Printer is resetting a job.OFFLINE Printer is offline.PRESS SELECT TOCANCEL JOBThis appears if you press the Online button while the printer is processing a job or waitingfor additional input to complete the print job. Then press the Select button to cancel the job.