Troubleshooting 8-5POST Error MessagesWhen POST detects an error, it displays an error message on the display unit screen. Thefollowing table lists error messages and actions to take.IMPORTANT: Take a note on the messages displayed beforeconsulting with your sales agent. Alarm messages are usefulinformation for maintenance.Errorcode Error message Recommended Action0200 Failure Fixed Disk. Contact your service representative.0210 Stuck Key. Disconnect the keyboard and connect it again.0213 Keyboard locked - Unlock key switch. Release the lock of the key switch. If theerror cannot be corrected in spite of therelease of the lock, contact your servicerepresentative.0220 Monitor type does not match CMOS - RunSETUP.Start the SETUP. If the error cannot becorrected in spite of the start of SETUP,contact your service representative.0230 System RAM Failed at offset.0231 Shadow Ram Failed at offset.0232 Extended RAM Failed at address line.Contact your service representative.0250 System battery is dead - Replace and runSETUP.Contact your service representative to replacethe battery. (After restarting the computer,start the SETUP to provide the setting again.)0251 System CMOS checksum bad - Defaultconfiguration used.The default values have just been set. Startthe SETUP to provide the setting again. Ifthe error cannot be corrected, contact yourservice representative.0252 Password checksum bad - Passwordscleared.The password has just been cleared. Startthe SETUP to provide the setting again.0260 System timer error.0270 Real time clock error.0271 Check date and time setting.Start the SETUP to set the date and timeagain. If the same error occurs successivelyin spite of the resetting, contact your servicerepresentative.02B0 Diskette drive A error. Start the SETUP to set the "Legacy Floppy A"in the Main menu again. If the same erroroccurs successively in spite of the resetting,contact your service representative.02B2 Incorrect Drive A type - run SETUP. Start the SETUP to provide the setting again.If the error cannot be corrected, contact yourservice representative.02D0 System cache error - Cache disabled. The cache cannot be used. Contact yourservice representative.