Using Multimedia 5-3NOTEBe careful when recording; audio files canbecome quite large.To listen to the sounds you’ve recorded, use the VersaGlideto press the play button. (The play button has a single right-facing triangle on it.)To use the AudioRack software, open the AudioRack pro-gram group and select the Audio Recorder. For operatinginstructions, check the AudioRack online help file after youopen the program. (In Windows 95, the package is calledAudioRack32.)Line-InAnalog signals come in through the NEC Versa 2600’sLine-In port. The analog signals are converted into digitalbits and bytes (digitized) through a converter known as anADC (analog-to-digital converter). The resulting digitalsound bytes can be stored, edited, processed, and trans-ferred. You can record ambient sound effects, specificsound effects, or music to enhance a presentation.Ambient sound effects create a sense of place or environ-ment and include sounds such as rain, heavy traffic, chirpingbirds. Specific sound effects accent or illustrate an action.Examples of specific sound effects include footsteps, acrash, a clock chime. There are many sources of prerecordedsound effects available on the market, or you can recordyour own sounds.Line-In accepts analog signals from external devices suchas a tape deck, a stereo CD-player, or a stereo tuner.The Line-In port has a mini-type connector. You may needan adapter to connect your input device to the NECVersa 2600 through Line-In.