5-4 Using MultimediaNOTEUsing Line-In does not disable the internalspeakers.MicrophoneYou can capture and record sounds through the internal micro-phone on the NEC Versa 2600. You can record voice-oversfor narrations, reminders, or special instructions.See “Recording” earlier in this chapter, for details about re-cording sound with the microphone.Playing BackYou can play back your recorded soundtrack through stereoheadphones, the internal NEC Versa 2600 stereo speakers,or external stereo speakers. You can play .WAV and MIDIfiles as well as CD audio. Adjust the volume through thethumbwheel on the left side of the NEC Versa 2600 or thesoftware. (A volume control feature can be found inAccessories\Multimedia\Volume Control.)Play audio from files or audio devices as follows. (This ex-ample shows how to use the Media player option in Acces-sories. You can also play audio by opening a file throughthe Sound Recorder and pressing the Play button.)1. In Windows for Workgroups, open the Accessoriesgroup, highlight the Media Player icon, and double clickto open it.In Windows 95, go to Programs, Accessories, Multi-media, and open the Media Player.2. Select your audio source as follows: If playing a file, use the File menu to specify the filename.