Using Your NEC Versa 4-3KeyboardFunction KeysA number of function keys (F1 through F12, Esc, Setup,NumLk, PadLk, Scroll Lock) are included in the NECVersa keyboard. These keys work together with the Fn keyto activate special functions. Keys that are pre-programmedwith dual functions are identified by a blue icon or phrasedepicting the function.Function keys F1 through F12 are application-driven. Seethe specific application’s user guide for information abouthow each function key works within the application you areusing. The following function key combinations are pre-programmed for the NEC Versa.Fn-Esc/Setup — during boot-up, opens the system’sSetup program, where you can set, view or change sys-tem parameters.Fn-F1 — darkens the LCD brightness setting (in modelswith a DSTN type LCD screen).Fn-F2 — brightens the LCD brightness setting (in mod-els with DSTN type LCD screen).Function KeysControl Keys Embedded Numeric Keypad Cursor Control KeysEscSetupF1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 PauseBreak Ins DelPrtScSysReq!1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0_-+= BkSpScroll Lock HomePgUpPgDnEndTabQ W E R T Y U I O P {[}]|\ShiftA S D F G H J K L :;"'EnterCapLockZ X C V B N M <,>.?/ ShiftFn Ctrl Alt Alt Ctrl~`7 8 9 -4 5 6 +1 2 3 *0 . /