Using Your NEC Versa 4-5 hold down the Fn key, and press your choice of keyson the numeric keypad, or press Fn-F10/PadLk and use the numeric keypadwithout pressing down the Fn key.When you press Fn-F9/NumLk (and, if activated,Fn-F10/PadLk) again, the keys revert to their normalfunctions as typewriter keys. Control keys — Ctrl, Alt, Fn, and Shift are controlsused in conjunction with other keys to change theirfunctions. To use control keys, press and hold the con-trol key while pressing another key. For example, “pressCtrl c” means to hold down the Ctrl key and type theletter c. How the key combination works depends on theapplications you are running.NEC VERSAGLIDEThe NEC VersaGlide is an easy way to control the cursorwith your finger. Lightly glide your finger across the NECVersaGlide and the cursor follows. You can select items inone of two ways: Tap your finger on the VersaGlide. Click the left, or primary button.A double tap on the VersaGuide is the equivalent to a dou-ble click on the left or primary button.