2-10 Introducing the Software VirusScan detects, identifies and disinfects known DOS,Windows for Workgroups, and Windows 95 computerviruses. It checks memory and the system and data areasof disks for virus infections. In most cases, it eliminatesthe virus and fully repairs infected programs or systemareas to their original condition.NOTEBefore you can use the WebScan softwareand connect to the Internet, you must first purchaseand install a modem card into your NEC Versa 2600computer. Make sure the PC card is connected to aworking phone line. The line must be an analog line.If you are unsure what type of line you have, callyour local telephone company.It is strongly recommended that you install the mo-dem card in your NEC Versa prior to running theWebScan Setup program. As part of the Setup pro-gram, it recognizes the modem information. If yourun the Setup program without an installed modem,you will have to manually enter the modem infor-mation the first time you use the online service.VideoSaverThe VideoSaver software package that comes preloaded onselected systems gives a variety of full-screen video clipsthat you can use as screen savers. Simply select VideoSaverfrom the list of screen savers in your Windows list.Modify how the screen saver runs as follows:1. Double click the Display icon in the Control Panel.2. Go to the Screen Saver tab and select VideoSaver (95)in Windows 95 systems or VideoSaver in Windows forWorkgroups systems.