Using Your NEC Versa 4-17PC Card EnablersSome PC cards have custom software written by the cardmanufacturer, known as Enablers, instead of Card andSocket Services. This custom software works well if onlyone or two PC cards are used on a particular system.Although many of these were considered compliant withPCMCIA Release 2.0 specifications, they did not provide atruly compatible environment for exchanging and sharingPCMCIA operations. The following are some guidelines forusing PC cards with Enablers. Do not use more than one Enabler at once unless youknow what system resources are used by each Enabler.One Enabler may crash another if there is a conflict. Hot swap may not work with some Enablers. An Enabler may only work in Windows Standard Mode. Enablers have minimal memory requirements. For ex-ample, they require as little as 4 KB for a modem,16 KB for Ethernet, and 24 KB for Token Ring.Know your system resources (see the CONFIG.SYS file);command line arguments cannot use resources being usedby other devices.Disabling Preloaded PCMCIA DriversYou can disable all of the PCMCIA drivers that come pre-loaded in your NEC notebook computer. However, doing solimits some of the flexibility of PCMCIA. You can still usePC cards that have Enabler software, but you can installand run only one at a time. The card must rely on the soft-ware supplied by the card vendor (Enablers).Remove the preloaded PCMCIA drivers by modifying theCONFIG.SYS file as follows.1. Select the File menu in Windows Program Manager.