Introducing the Software 2-17 Access NEC BBS Access CompuServe Information Services Exit.4. Exit anytime by double-clicking on the rectangle in theupper-left corner of the screen.You may obtain information about NEC and itsproducts by visiting our web site at WWW.NEC.COM.Microsoft Internet ExplorerInternet Explorer is pre-installed in both your Windows 95and Windows for Workgroups operating systems. It isautomatically registered with Microsoft when you registeryour Windows operating system software.In Windows 95 systems, plug in your PC modem card, thenstart your NEC Versa 2600 system. Follow this Path withyour cursor clicking on each item to advance to the next:Start\Programs\Internet Explorer and then click on InternetExplorer. Follow the instruction and you will be ready togo.In Windows for Workgroups systems, from Program Man-ager click on Microsoft Internet Explorer and then click onthe “Read Me” file, before running this program, for infor-mation about modem and internet service connections.Netscape Navigator Dial Up EditionThe first time you use Netscape Navigator, you must allowthe system to detect your modem and register your copy ofthe program.