C a l l f u n c t i o n s14 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.Tip: You can add DTMF tones tothe Phone number or DTMFfields in a contact card.■ LogIn the log, you can monitor phonecalls, text messages, packet dataconnections, and fax and data callsregistered by the phone. You canfilter the log to view just one type ofevent and create new contacts basedon the log information.Connections to your remote mailbox,multimedia messaging center, orbrowser pages are shown as datacalls or packet data connections inthe general communications log.Recent callsThe phone registers the phonenumbers of missed, received, anddialed calls, and the approximateduration of your calls. The phoneregisters missed and received callsonly if the network supports thesefunctions, and the phone is switchedon and within the network servicearea.Missed calls and received callsTo view a list of the last 20 phonenumbers from which somebody hastried to call you (network service),select Menu > Log > Recent calls >Missed calls.To view a list of the 20 numbers ornames from which you have mostrecently accepted calls (networkservice), select Menu > Log >Recent calls > Received calls.Dialed numbersTo view the 20 phone numbers thatyou have most recently called orattempted to call, select Menu >Log > Recent calls > Dialled nos..Erase recent call listsTo clear all recent call lists in theRecent calls view, select Options >Clear recent calls.To clear one of the call registers,open the register you want to eraseand select Options > Clear list.To clear an individual event, open aregister, scroll to the event, andpress the clear key.Call durationTo view the duration of yourincoming and outgoing calls, selectMenu > Log > Call duration > Lastcall, Dialled nos., Received calls, orAll calls.Note: The actual invoice forcalls and services from yourservice provider may vary,depending on networkfeatures, rounding off forbilling, taxes, and so forth.