M e s s a g i n g24 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.If you are offline, the e-mail is firstdeleted from your phone. During thenext connection to the remotemailbox, it is automatically deletedfrom the remote mailbox. If you areusing the POP3 protocol, messagesmarked to be deleted are removedonly after you have closed theconnection to the remote mailbox.UndeleteTo cancel deletion of an e-mail fromboth the phone and server, scroll toan e-mail that has been marked tobe deleted during the nextconnection, and select Options >Restore.■ OutboxThe Outbox folder is a temporarystorage place for messages that arewaiting to be sent.To access the Outbox folder, selectMenu > Messag. > Outbox. Messagestatuses:Sending — The phone is sending themessage.Waiting/Queued — The phone iswaiting to send messages or e-mail.Resend at ... (time) — Sending failed.The phone tries to send the messageagain after a time-out period. Torestart the sending immediately,select Options > Send.Deferred — To set documents to beon hold while they are in the Outboxfolder, scroll to a message that isbeing sent, and select Options >Defer sending.Failed — The maximum number ofsending attempts has been reached.If you were trying to send a textmessage, open the message, andcheck that the sending settings arecorrect.■ View messages on theSIM cardBefore you can view SIM messages,you need to copy them to a folder inyour phone.1. Select Menu > Messag. >Options > SIM messages, andscroll to a message.2. Mark the messages you want tocopy.3. To copy the marked messages,select Options > Copy, and thefolder to which you want to copythe messages.4. To start the copying, select OK.■ Cell broadcastYou may be able to receive messageson various topics, such as weather ortraffic conditions from your serviceprovider (network service). Foravailable topics and relevant topic