O r g a n i z e r60 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.The third-party applicationsprovided on the microSD card havebeen created and are owned bypersons or entities that are notaffiliated with or related to Nokia.Nokia does not own the copyrightsor intellectual property rights tothese third-party applications. Assuch, Nokia does not takeresponsibility for any end-usersupport or the functionality of theseapplications, nor the informationpresented in the applications orthese materials. Nokia does notprovide any warranty for theseapplications.YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THE SOFTWAREAND/OR APPLICATIONS(COLLECTIVELY, THE SOFTWARE) AREPROVIDED AS IS WITHOUTWARRANTY OF ANY KIND EXPRESSOR IMPLIED AND TO THE MAXIMUMEXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLELAW. NEITHER NOKIA NOR ITSAFFILIATES MAKE ANYREPRESENTATIONS ORWARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TOWARRANTIES OF TITLE,MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THATTHE SOFTWARE WILL NOT INFRINGEANY THIRD-PARTY PATENTS,COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS, OROTHER RIGHTS.Format the memory cardWhen a memory card is formatted, alldata on the card is permanently lost.Some memory cards are suppliedpreformatted and others requireformatting. Consult your retailer tofind out if you must format thememory card before you can use it.1. Select Options > Format mem.card.2. Select Yes to confirm.3. When formatting is complete,enter a name for the memorycard (max. 11 letters or numbers).Back up and restoreinformationTo back up information from phonememory to the memory card, selectOptions > Backup phone mem.To restore information from thememory card to the phone memory,select Options > Restore from card.You can only back up the phonememory and restore it to the samephone.Lock the memory cardTo set a password to lock yourmemory card to help preventunauthorized use, select Options >Set password.