O r g a n i z e r56 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.Anniversary — reminds you ofbirthdays or special dates.Anniversary entries are repeatedevery year.To-do — a to-do note.2. Fill in the fields:Subject/Occasion — Write adescription of the event.Location — Enter the place of ameeting (optional).Start time, End time, Start date,and End dateAlarm — Press the joystick toactivate the fields for Alarm timeand Alarm date.Repeat — Press the joystick tochange the entry to be repeated.A repeating entry is indicated byin the day view.Repeat until — Set an endingdate for the repeated entry, forexample, the last date of aweekly course you are taking.This option is shown only if youhave selected to repeat the event.Synchronisation > Private —After synchronization thecalendar entry can be seen onlyby you, and it is not shown toothers even if they have onlineaccess to view the calendar.Public — The calendar entry isshown to others who have accessto view your calendar online.None — The calendar entry is notcopied when you synchronizeyour calendar.3. To save the entry, select Done.When editing or deleting a repeatedentry, choose how you want thechanges to take effect:All occurrences — All repeatedentries are changed.This entry only — Only the currententry is changed.Calendar viewsPress # in the month, week, or dayviews to automatically highlighttoday’s date.To write a calendar entry, press anynumber key (0—9) in any calendarview. A meeting entry opens, and thecharacters entered are added to theSubject field.To go to a certain date, selectOptions > Go to date. Write thedate, and select OK.To-doSelect Options > To-do view.In the To-do view, you can keep a listof tasks that you need to do.Create a to-do note1. To start to write a to-do note,press any number key (0—9). Theeditor opens, and the cursorblinks after the letters you haveentered.