O r g a n i z e r61Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.You are asked to enter and confirmyour password. The password can beup to eight characters long.The password is stored in your phoneand you do not have to enter it againwhile you are using the memory cardon the same phone. If you want touse the memory card on anotherphone, you are asked for thepassword.Unlock a memory cardIf you insert anotherpassword-protected memory cardinto your phone, you are promptedto enter the password of the card. Tounlock the card, select Options >Unlock memory card.Once the password is removed, thememory card is unlocked and can beused on another phone without apassword.Check memory consumptionTo check the memory consumptionof different data groups and theavailable memory for installing newapplications or software on yourmemory card, select Options >Memory details.