M e d i a44 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.The available options may vary.To delete a flash file, scroll to it, andpress the clear key.Play flash filesSelect Menu > Media >Flash Player.Scroll to a flash file, and press thejoystick.Select Options and from thefollowing:Pause — to pause the playback.Stop — to stop the playback.Volume — to adjust the playbackvolume. To increase or decrease thevolume, scroll left or right.Quality — to select the playbackquality. If the playback appearsuneven and slow, change the Qualitysetting to Normal or Low.Full screen — to play the file usingthe entire display. To return to thenormal screen, select Normal screen.The key functions are not visible infull screen, but they may still beavailable when you press either keybelow the display.Fit to screen — to play the file in itsoriginal size after zooming it.Pan mode on — to be able to movearound the display with the joystickwhen you have zoomed in.Options may not be available in allflash files. The available options mayvary.■ Video editorTo create custom video clips, selectMenu > Media > Vid. editor. You cancreate custom video clips, combineand trim video clips, and add soundclips, transitions, and effects.Transitions are visual effects thatyou can add in the beginning andend of the video or between thevideo clips.Tip! To take a snapshot of avideo clip, select Options >Take snapshot in the Cut videoclip view.Edit video, sound, andtransitions1. In the Edit video clip view, toinsert video clips you want toedit, select Insert > Video clip.2. You can edit the clips bytrimming and adding effects. Youcan add sound clips and changetheir duration.To modify the video, selectOptions and from the followingoptions:Movie > Preview — previews thecustom video clip.