O r g a n i z e r57Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.2. Write the task in the Subjectfield. Press * to add specialcharacters.To set the due date for the task,scroll to the Due date field, andenter a date.To set a priority for the to-donote, scroll to the Priority field,and press the joystick.3. To save the to-do note, selectDone.Handle to-do notesTo open a to-do note, scroll to it, andpress the joystick.To delete a to-do note, scroll to it,and select Options > Delete or pressthe clear key.To mark a to-do note as completed,scroll to it, and select Options >Mark as done.To restore a completed to-do note asnot completed, select Options >Mark as not done.■ ConverterSelect Menu > Organiser >Converter.In the converter, you can convertmeasurement parameters such asLength from one unit to another, forexample, Yards to Metres.The converter has limited accuracyand rounding errors may occur.Convert unitsTo convert currency, you must firstset the exchange rate. See "Set abase currency and exchange rates"on page 58.1. Scroll to the Type field, and pressthe joystick to open a list ofmeasurement parameters. Scrollto the measurement parameteryou want to use, and select OK.2. Scroll to the first Unit field andpress joystick to open a list ofavailable units. Select the unitfrom which you want to convertand select OK.3. Scroll to the next Unit field, andselect the unit to which you wantto convert.4. Scroll to the first Amount field,and enter the value that youwant to convert. The otherAmount field changesautomatically to show theconverted value.Press # to add a decimal and press *for the +, - (for temperature), and E(exponent) symbols.The conversion order changes if youwrite a value in the second Amountfield. The result is shown in the firstAmount field.