T o o l s64 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.Alert for — Set the phone to ring onlyupon calls from phone numbers thatbelong to a selected contact group.Phone calls coming from peopleoutside the selected group have asilent alert. The choices are All callsor a list of contact groups, if youhave created any.Camera start-up tone and MusicPlayer start-up tone — Set start-uptones for the camera and the musicplayer.Profile name — Name the profile.This setting is not shown for theGeneral and Offline profiles.When using the Offline profile, thephone is not connected to thenetwork. You can use certainfunctions of the phone without aSIM card by starting the phone withthe Offline profile.In the offline profile, you may needto enter the lock code and changethe device to a calling profile beforemaking any call, including a call toan emergency number.Warning: In the offlineprofile you cannot make orreceive any calls, includingemergency calls, or useother features that requirenetwork coverage. To makecalls, you must first activatethe phone function by changingprofiles. If the device has beenlocked, enter the lock code.■ SettingsPhoneGeneralSelect Menu > Tools > Settings >Phone > General and from thefollowing options:Phone language — to change thelanguage for the display texts inyour phone. This change may alsoaffect the format used for date andtime and the separators used, forexample, in calculations. If youselect Automatic, the phone selectsthe language according to theinformation on your SIM card. Afteryou have changed the display textlanguage, the phone restarts.Changing the settings for Phonelanguage or Writing languageaffects every application in yourphone, and the change remainseffective until you change thesesettings again.Writing language — to change thewriting language of your phone.Changing the language affects thecharacters and special charactersavailable when writing text and thepredictive text dictionary used.