M e s s a g i n g21Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.■ Inbox—receivemessagesSelect Menu > Messag. > Inbox.When there are unread messages inthe Inbox, the icon changes to .In the Inbox you may see some of thefollowing icons:indicates an unread textmessageindicates an unread specialmessage, such as a business cardindicates an unread multimediamessageindicates an unread WAP servicemessageindicates an unknown messagetypeTo open a received message, selectMenu > Messag. > Inbox and thedesired message.Important: Exercise cautionwhen opening messages.Multimedia message objectsmay contain malicioussoftware or otherwise beharmful to your device or PC.View multimedia objectsTo view the list of media objects thatare included in the multimediamessage, open the message, andselect Options > Objects. You cansave the file in your phone or send itusing Bluetooth technology or as amultimedia message to anothercompatible device.Special message typesYour phone can receive many kindsof messages, such as operator logos,business cards, and ringing tones.To open a received message, selectMenu > Messag. > Inbox and thedesired message.Operator logo — To save the logo,select Options > Save. The operatorlogo can now be seen in the standbymode instead of the networkoperator’s own identification.Business card — To save the contactinformation, select Options > Savebusiness card.Ringing tone — To save the ringingtone to the gallery, select Options >Save.Calendar entry — To save theinvitation to the calendar, selectOptions > Save to Calendar.Picture message — To forward thepicture message, select Options >Forward.Note: The picture messagefunction can be used only ifit is supported by yournetwork operator or serviceprovider. Only compatibledevices that offer picture