Call functions27English• Menu (to access the menu)• Mute (to mute the phone’smicrophone)• Swap (to switch between the activecall and the call on hold).• Transfer (to connect the activecall and the call on hold and todisconnect yourself from the calls).Call waitingThis network service allows you toanswer an incoming call while you havea call in progress if you have activatedthe menu function Call waitingservice (Menu 4-2-4).1 Press Answer or . The first callis put on hold.2 To switch between the two calls,press Swap or .3 To end the active call, press , (orto end both calls at the same time,press Options, roll to End allcalls and press OK.)Tip: If you do not want toanswer the call, you can ignore itor reject it. To reject the call,press Options, then roll toReject and press OK.If you have activated the call divertDivert if busy, a rejected call willalso be diverted (see page 30).Call holdingThis network service allows you tomake another call while you have a callin progress.1 Key in the phone number and press. The first call is put on hold.Alternatively, press Hold and thenmake the second call.2 To switch between the two calls,press Swap or .3 To end the active call, press .Tip: You can also mute the linefor a while. Press Options, rollwith Navi Roller to Mute. Whenyou want to resume the mutedcall, press Unmute.Making a conferencecallThis network service allows up to sixpersons take part in a conference call.1 Make a call to the first participant.2 Press Options and roll to Newcall and press Navi Roller. Makethe call to the second participant.The first call is put on hold.3 To join the first participant in theconference call, press Options,choose Conference and pressNavi Roller.4 To add a new person to the call,repeat the steps 2 and 3.