36Writing text by using traditional textinputPress a number key ( to )repeatedly until the desired characteror number appears.The most common punctuation marksand special characters are availableunder the number key .Note: All characters availableunder a number key are NOTprinted on the key. Thecharacters available under anumber key depend on thelanguage selected in the menu4-3-1.• To change the character case, pressonce. Upper case is indicatedby ABC and lower case by abc.• To add numbers, press and holdto enter the number input indicatedby 123. After keying in the desirednumbers, press and hold toreturn to the text input.You can also add a number bypressing and holding the respectivenumber key until the numberappears on the display.• To insert a space, press .• To insert a punctuation mark or aspecial character, press toenter the list of special characters.Roll with Navi Roller to the desiredcharacter and press Navi Roller toselect the highlighted character.Tip: When entering names in thephone book, the phone uses titlecase, which automatically writesthe first character of a name inupper case and the rest of theword in lower case.Tip: When writing a textmessage or other text, the phoneuses the text case, whichautomatically writes the firstcharacter of a sentence in uppercase.