7813. Transmitting dataTransmitting data via IRYou can send or receive data such asbusiness cards (names and numbersstored in the phone book) and calendarnotes to or from a compatible phone ordata device (for example, a computer)via the IR port of your phone.Note: Sending and printing ofChinese characters via IR is notpossible.To send or receive data via IR:1 Ensure that the IR ports of thesending and receiving device arepointing at each other and thatthere are no obstructions betweenthe devices. The preferable distancebetween the devices is one meter atthe most.2 When receiving data via IR, activatethe IR port of your phone byentering the Infrared menu(Menu 9).3 The user of the sending device thenselects the desired IR function tostart data transfer.If data transfer is not started withintwo minutes after the activation ofthe IR port, the IR connection iscancelled and has to be startedagain.Note: Your phone is a Class 1Laser Product.Checking the Status of an IRConnectionThe status of an IR connection isindicated by .• When is shown continuously,the IR connection is activated andyour phone is ready to send orreceive data via its IR port.• When is not shown, no IRconnection exists.• When blinks, your phone istrying to connect to the other deviceor the IR connection has been lost.Over The Air (OTA) transmissionYou can also send and receive somedata such as business cards, calendarnotes and group graphics for callergroups via Over The Air (OTA) service ifsupported by your network. In addition,