50name, or press and hold the NaviRoller to call the highlighted name.Pressing and holding Navi Roller ata highlighted name makes a call tothe default number, if there is morethan one number stored under thename. To make a call to other thanthe default number, roll with NaviRoller to the desired number andpress or press and hold NaviRoller.Quick Find: Press Navi Rolleronce in the standby mode, thenroll to the desired name. This canbe done if the Roller menushortcut is set to access the listof names. See pages 34 and 73for details.Calling service numbersUsing this function you can easily callany of the service numbers your serviceprovider may have stored in your SIMcard. This function is not displayed ifthere are no service numbers stored inyour SIM card.1 Press Names and roll to Servicenumbers and press Navi Roller.2 Roll to the desired service number,press to call the number.Speed diallingAssigning a phone number to aspeed dial keyYou can set any of the numbers keys- to work as a speed diallingkey. To do this you need to assign aphone number to a number key.1 Press Names, then roll to Speeddials and press Navi Roller.2 Roll to the desired speed dial key (2to 9), and press Assign.3 Press Search, then roll to thedesired name and press Navi Roller.4 Press Navi Roller to assign thehighlighted number.After assigning a number to a speeddial key, you can call, view or changethe number or undo the speed dial.Making a call by using the speeddialling keysWhen a phone number is assigned toone of the speed dialling keys ( to), you can call the phone number ineither of the following two ways:• Press the corresponding speeddialling key and press .