Writing text41EnglishUsing the Chinese input*When you have set Chinese as thedisplay text language in the menu 4-3-1, you can use the Chinese input for• writing text messages of up to 70characters• for storing Chinese names in phonebook• for writing calendar notes.• for writing the welcome note andrenaming some Profile names.The Chinese input method supports alarge character set of commonly usedChinese characters: BIG5 level 1 inTraditional Chinese and GB2312 inSimplified Chinese.The following input methods may beavailable when Chinese is set as thedisplay text language:Pinyin in SimplifiedChinese onlyZhuyin/ in Traditional/Bopo Chinese onlyMoFoStroke in Simplified &Traditional ChinesNumber in Simplified &input TraditionalChineseLatin In Simplified &character, Traditionalupper caseChineseLatin In Simplified &character, Traditionallower case ChineseThe default input method for SimplifiedChinese is Pinyin and for TraditionalChinese Zhuyin/BoPoMoFo.To change the input method: pressrepeatedly until the symbol for thepreferred input type is displayed. Youcan also change between the characterand number input by pressing andholding .When you key in Chinese characters bypressing number keys (as describedlater in this section), the phoneautomatically displays a list ofcandidate Chinese characters in thecharacter bar displayed in the far rightof the display. Roll with Navi Roller tothe desired character and press NaviRoller to select it.* Chinese input available in certain Asia-Pacific product version.